1- over the weekend, my boyfriend Chris and I went on a long adventure. We biked from Hazelbrook Middle School, to West Lynn. (12.5 miles) then hiked around. On the way we found out we didn't pack enough energy bars, so we went to stop at Wanker's country store. It was closed for the day, so Chris and I had to make do with what we had. I was hungry. :(
2- Chris and I came to a round-a-bout. We could go to Lake Oswego, West Lynn, or another place, or back to tualatin. We had to spend about fifteen minutes contemplating which way to go before calling someone to ask. We decided on West Lynn.
3- While biking, we took multiple stops. One stop was for Chris to fix his shoe. I pulled out the piece of grass, and placed it between my hands and started blowing loud, abnoxious music. When Chris asked what I was doing, I told him I was playing him the song of the shoemakers. He didn't talk to me for five minutes afterwords. I regret nothing.
4- The algae. Was frozed. I poked it, and it SHATTERED. WTF.
5- There was a dog at the park that we stopped at to hike around. I am not exagerating. This dog was bigger than me, and decided to start running around us. The paw print is the size of a large baseball. (or a small basketball.....) (Chris said I couldn't have a dog that was bigger than me. ugh. killjoy.)
6- I found a boquete of roses, and I picked it up! It was so pretty! But.. it pricked me. I guess you gotta be careful around things that are pretty. Pretty things are painful things.
7- While hiking, this is the point where Chris and I turned around. It was extreamely difficult to walk through bushes like that because there was mud underneith. ugh. Good bye west lynn hiking adventure!
8- I JABBED MY KNEE ON THIS. I think a beaver ate this tree. I don't know, but it really really hurt when I ran into it. I don't even know how I missed something so big. Maybe it's because I am short, so I tend to only look up. Apperently I have to look DOWN too. WTH.
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